According to the page, the channel was created in October 2006, only a year after the platform launched in 2005. He wrote on the page that he reached his first 200,000 subscribers in August 2018 and hit 1 million followers last December. Eller det kan vre filmene til en ganske beskjeden kar fra Sandefjord. Eckhoff reportedly died on Saturday after falling into an icy water while filming a video the previous day, according to a local news outlet. In his YouTube channel's "About" section, Eckhoff wrote that he was born in 1964, lived in the coastal city of Sandefjord, and worked in a paint factory. Med motorsag, skyter, vodka og iskalde bad er Tor Eckhoff (50) blitt en hit. Tor Eckhoff better known as Apetor was a 57-year-old YouTuber who lived in Sandefjord, Norway and was best known for his weird and wonderful travel videos, live streams and love for Norwegian vodka. At the age of six, he relocated to Sandefjord, Norway.

The South-East Police District did not respond to a request for comment. Tor Eckhoff was a Norwegian YouTuber who is known for his bizarre adventurous winter videos.
#Tor eckhoff sandefjord series#
In a series of tweets translated from Norwegian that appeared to be about Eckhoff, Norway's South-East Police District wrote on Saturday that firefighters had rescued a man in his 50s in Kongsberg who had fallen through the ice into the water and that a rescue helicopter was bringing the person to the Ullevål hospital. Despite attempts to save his life, he died on Saturday after doctors "turned off all the machines that had kept your body going," Skjerven wrote. The vodka he drank in his videos is the Vikingfjord brand, though he said that he was not being paid by them.Skjerven wrote in the post, which is written in English, that divers had rescued Eckhoff from the cold water and he was transported to the hospital.Tor Eckhoff a Sandefjord resident was rescued by divers and sent to. The company best placed in Sandefjord in our national ranking is in position 17 in terms of turnover. These companies have an estimated turnover of kr 138.263 billions and employ a number of employees estimated at 7,761. He was proud of what he had achieved on social media, the 57-year-old’s cohabitant Tove Skjerven tells VG.

He was a huge success on social media, and had close to 1.2 million subscribers to YouTube.

At the time of his death, he lived in Sandefjord where he worked in a. Tor Eckhoff, also known as Apetor, was a Norwegian adventurer and YouTuber known primarily for his videos where he drank vodka while performing daring activites. Most of his videos revolve around him drinking Vodka at the start or end of his videos, but his channel is more similar to that of an comedy channel.Įchkoff uploaded his first video on Octotitled "In my boat", where he drove his boat. Tor Eckhoff (22 November 1964 27 November 2021), also known as Apetor (Norwegian.